Our Mission

Our congregation is a faith community dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all God’s people and welcoming everyone into the full life and ministry of the church.  

We provide a safe environment to share ideas, to question and to grow in one’s beliefs and serve our diverse community locally, nationally, and worldwide.


Benjamin Samuel

Through the boundless grace of God, I found my new home at Seaside in July 2020.


The church’s friendly and extravagant welcome and their passion to serve the still-speaking God never fails to amaze me!


- A voice of wisdom, hope, encouragement, and vision.

Pastor Ben also serves as a military chaplain for the Army.  


Peg McCartney

Financial Coordinator

Manages our finances with care and confidence as we do the work of God.

Victor Gill


Represents our Church Council and keeps our church running smoothly.


Sean Pierce

Council Secretary

Responsible for reporting all major church decisions.

Katherine Orlin

Fellowship Coordinator

Coordinates refreshments for our "Snack & Chat" after our Sunday service. 

Richard St. Amant

Facilities Coordinator

Keeps our campus and builidings maintained.

Divya Samuel

Christian Education

Plans and coordinates our CE activities and programs

Karen Ury

Outreach Coordinator

Facilitates our outreach 

efforts making a difference for people in our community & projects around the world.